I was born and raised in Southern California. I spent from teenage years up to 2013 in the Salt Lake area of Utah. Now I reside back home in the warmth of Southern California. Like most, I enjoy exploring new areas and taking on the beautiful sites the world has to offer. Although I am not a world traveler, there is plenty of beauty and fascination close by. My full-time profession is in an office but that doesn’t give me the serenity obtained from enjoying what’s around me. I hope to one day explore all around the wonders of the world but for now, I can dream. Some of my photos are 360 style so at times I can even put on a VR headset and be taken back to a fun time, fascinating place, or just a place to relax.
My photography at this point is not based on any type of style or done with expensive equipment. Any photo device on hand when I see an opportunity to capture an interesting image is good enough for me. If any of my work brings a smile to your face, that would be a great accomplishment in my overall goal. I may find that my taste in photography is mine alone and not shared. If that is the case, I accept that as well. I intend on keeping a camera on hand at all times and sharing my favorites on this site.
Contact Me
T- 909 . 997 . 3979